
Abstract: Clinical decision support (CDS), while used diffusely in electronic health records, has had mixed results in improving care and reducing the work of patient care teams, and when designed as interruptive alerts has led to increased alert fatigue. CDS using inline context aware design in a primary care nursing staff’s patient rooming workflow improves and sustains patient screening metrics for depression screening and falls risk screening, and does so with minimal staff education.

Describe the new knowledge and additional skills the participant will gain after attending your presentation.: Inline Context Aware CDS is a technique that presents decision support inside of clinician workflow.
Inline Context Aware CDS can be effective for improving screening rates in primary care populations, and is intuitive enough to allow scalling with minimal organizational training for screening workflows.
These concepts and techniques will be demonstrated so that attendees can take the concept application back to their EHR


Matt Rafalski (Presenter)
Heart of Texas Community Health Center

John Gill, Heart of Texas Community Health Center
