
Poster (Times are in PDT)

Board 14 - Do Providers of Different Specialties Vary in Clinical Administrative Burden?

3:30 PM–4:30 PM May 20, 2020 (Conference Time: US - Pacific)

3:30 PM–4:30 PM May 20, 2020


Abstract: Little is known regarding cross-specialty administrative burden. Here we present results of a retrospective analysis evaluating variations in administrative burden, as measured by EHR use data, across 8 medical and surgical specialties. We found a large and statistically significant variation in provider EHR use data by specialty. At the extremes were Orthopedic surgery and Pediatric Neurology, spending 6.5 and 29.6 minutes, respectively, in EHR administrative activities per appointment.

Describe the new knowledge and additional skills the participant will gain after attending your presentation.: We present data pointing to clear variation in cross-specialty time spent on clinical administrative tasks. With these findings, attendees can better evaluate the workload burden of providers by specialty and prioritize strategies aimed at reducing workload for those specialties that are most burdened.


Mina Boazak (Presenter)
Duke University School of Medicine

Eugenia McPeek, Duke Health Technology Solutions
